There are a number of reasons why we get injured when running, and there are also lots of reasons why our running performance suffers. Like anything in life, it is easy to form habits that don’t do us much good in our running. The long term implications of incorrect movements habits can include recurrence of previous injuries, experiencing new injuries, and a loss of performance. All of this can lead to frustration, wasted race fees, constant spending on physiotherapists and other practitioners, and a loss of motivation for the sport we love. Often though, we can make small changes that can have dramatically positive outcomes. This is where gait retraining and running lessons come in. Firstly, our gait is how we walk or run. It describes the movement cycle from the start of one stride on one leg, right through to the start of the next stride on the same leg. Our gait cycle has a number of significant action points :
- Initial Contact (foot strike)
- Mid-stance
- Toe off
- Muscle activation and firing sequence training
- Movement habit retraining
- Strength training
- Reframing how you view your running and goals
- Mental cues and mind techniques
- The extent of the retraining you require
- How you respond to the retraining
- The effort and practice that you put in outside of the RunTeach sessions
- Other issues that may crop up during the programme
- Each session is at least 1 hour
- The cost covers:
- The running and movement assessment(s), reports, videos
- Personalised gait retraining programme, delivered over 6 one-to-one, in-person sessions
- Running schedule/training load review and suggested training plan