Rewire Your Running: Pain-Free Performance Starts Here
When nothing else works, it’s time to look inside!
Get Out Of Pain – There’s Always An Option!
When you are in pain you just don’t enjoy your running as much as you used to. Sometimes with a running injury, you won’t be able to get out and run at all and this can be a miserable experience. Often, the first port of call is advice from your running buddies as they are bound to have experienced their own pain and running related injury at some point. But what happens when their advice, tips and tricks don’t work? How about the Internet? There is such a wealth of information available in many forms, so surely there will be something to help you?
The thing is, you are unique: what works for one person may just not work for you at all. Frustrated, you might go to a running specialist such as a sports physio. They’ve dealt with dozens, if not hundreds, of runners in your position. But what if that doesn’t work? What happens next?
At RunTeach we believe there is always an option to help you get out of pain. We’ve spent the last five years making sure we always have something else we can try, and pride ourselves in our mission to…
“Solve The Problems That Others Can’t Or Won’t Solve”
How We Work
By working directly with your brain, we plug into what your unique nervous system needs. We do this through specifically designed exercise and drill stacks – all non-invasive and often an awful lot of fun!
Breathing Articles
What Our Clients Are Saying
More Than A Standard Gait Analysis
As a runner, when you have a running injury or want to improve your performance, you’ll often turn to a gait analysis service. In a lot of places this can be limited to either your local running shoe shop or a local sports physiotherapist, and the services that they offer are more than likely to be fairly basic. But is getting a gait analysis even worth it in the first place?
We’ve all read, watched and been told that if your running technique is poor, your injury risk increases significantly. If you over-pronate, over-supinate, have knee valgus or hips that excessively internally or externally rotate, then this is a bad thing and it should be fixed. The same goes for an overstride and a cadence that is too slow. These are the things a standard gait analysis is typically designed to highlight, and then depending on the goal of the assessment you may be given some corrective exercises.
What very few people will tell you though, is that there are plenty of runners at all levels of ability that display one or more of these technique flaws that have never ever suffered a running injury or even had any pain due to their running. It isn’t a foregone conclusion that because your running form is left a bit wanting, you will automatically get an injury.
You see, your running technique and how you move are outputs from your system. They are the final product; they are the cake at the end of the bake. So even if how you run is contributing to your pain or increasing your injury risk, what’s the best way of solving it? Is it to do exercises that target strength? What about mobility? How about changing your running technique by changing how you are moving by addressing the incorrectly moving limbs?
If you want a better cake, you don’t try to fix it after it’s baked and decorated – you make sure the ingredients and the processes are of the highest quality.
You spend your time making sure the inputs are looked after so that the output (your cake) turns out exactly as you want it.
The same is true with movement and running technique. Instead of trying to fix outputs of the movement and technique itself, focus on the inputs that contribute to those movements. How do you do that?
Well, something else that very few people will tell you is that everything your are and everything you do is a product of your nervous system. You move and run like you do because your brain and nervous system is making you move and run like that, for whatever reason. If you want to change how you move and how you run, you need to make the changes at the level of your brain and nervous system.
Our running assessment is far more than a simple gait analysis; even those flashy 3D or 4D gait assessments will only tell you what the output looks like. What you really need to know is what the inputs look like. We uncover this through an in-depth assessment of how your brain and nervous system is functioning through various neurological tests and exercises. By exposing how well your brain deals with timing, rhythm, accuracy and error correction for example, we can get a very clear picture of why you may be lacking in motor control, balance and joint stability when you run. Did you know that if the skin stretch sensors around your knees aren’t activating as well as they could be, not only might you get knee pain, but that knee is more likely to be less stable than the other one? Chucking strength exercises at it won’t work – you need to get those skin stretch sensors firing again.
By assessing your unique rewiring needs, we work with you to build a programme that is designed for your unique nervous system that has been shaped by your unique life.